Members List

Company NameFirst NameLast Name
A Plus Ornamental and Turf Specialists LLCMarioMalagisi
A to Z RentalJohnRegina
A.B. Reilly CorporationJohnHoran
A&D EquipmentDonnaLaFata
Able Tool & EquipmentDerekBauer
Ace LandscapingMatthewFirmender
AD MakepeaceKimHoudlette
All State Landscape ServicesPeterNiro
All Year Lawn CareNathanielFancher
Alta Equipment CompanyChrisJackson
American Landscape and Lawn ScienceStevenBousquet
American NationalRichBrock
Apple Valley Lawn Care
Aquarius LandscapeEliasJarboe
Arborscape Inc
Atlantic Golf and TurfJoeArnone
Atlantic Lawn Service LLCDaveWollman
Barone Services LLCLukeBarone
Barry Family LandscapingMichaelBarry
Becker Landscaping LLCAndrewBecker
Bethel Power Equipment LLCKevinDee
Bluestone LandscapePeter J.VanDuyn
Bobcat CTCaseyWolverton
Bollinger Landscaping LLCBarrettBollinger
Botani WorldAngusJunkin
Brooks Landscaping, LLCJamesBrooks
Brothers AssociatesEdward J.Salvador Jr.
Call Before You DigLauraSimkus
Carone and Sons LLCArthurCarone, Sr.
Catholic Cemeteries Assn Hartford ArchdioceseRobCocchiaro
Ceci Brothers Inc.MikeCeci
Central Turf and IrrigationMylesBuckley
Chad Landscapes,IncChadOsterberg
Championship Turf ServicesJimmyGore
Chatham Green Landscapes LLCWilliamDonzeiser
Choate Rosemary Hall
Christensen Landscape ServicesH. DavidChristensen
Christian Plummer LandscapingChristianPlummer
City of NorwalkKenHughes
City of Stamford Parks and RecreationPeteStokes
City Oil Co., IncSalRusso
Clear Day Landscaping LLCDavidGiordano
Colonel Landscaping LLCNicholasSchmitz
Common GroundsZachReynolds
Connecticut GreenDanHageney
Connecticut MulchTinaSapouckey
Connecticut Turf SpecialistsSeanMinerly
Cultural LawnsNelsonMunoz
Custom GroundsBrianReynolds
D.W. Burr Landscape & Design, Inc.DavidBurr
D&D Landscape LLCDavidBenedict
Darling Gardens LLCDouglasZitnay
Deepwood Landscaping LLCMichaelMendillo
DLTC Equipment and Trailer SalesJonathanSweeney
Donohue Lawn CareNicholasDonohue
E.A. Quinn Landscape Contracting Inc.MatthewBagshaw
Eastern Land ManagementBruceMoore Jr
Elite Container SalesToddMcHugh
Elm City TrailerBobbyFantarella
Emerald Tree and Shrub CareKevinWyatt
Ever-Green Lawn ServicesDanHaslam
EverGreen Lawn & Landscape Maintenance, LLCColinSieracki
Fairfield County Hunt ClubJasonCanepari
Farmington Motor SportsPatrickVibert
Federated Mutual Insurance CompanyRobertButkus Jr.
G L Bollard CorpGregBollard
G&H EquipmentGerardAdinolfi
Galaxie EnterprisesJoelThompson
Grass RootsJohnWolf
Great Rate RentalsMelanieSolito
Green Choice LLCJeffHarvey
Green Earth and TurfJoeMagazzi
H.O. Penn Machinery Company, IncJohnMurphy
Hanging Hills Lawn Care LLCCharlesBowlby
Harrell's, LLCThomasLopez
Hilltop Turf & Landscapes, LLCEricOrzel
Huberts Turf CareMaxwellHubert
Hutchinson Tree Care ServiceRobertHutchinson
I&C Park ConsultantsRichardCalarco
Ideal Concrete Block Co.PatJordan
Ironwood LandscapingMichaelSipala
Island ServicesGarrettBandecchi
J. Neary Pest Control, LLCKennethNeary
J&J Lawn Care LLCJonathanBuckingham
JC's Landscapingjonconte
Jordan Brook Lawncare/Maxum IrrigationBryanGrandieri
K&J Tree ServiceRickGarner
KC Landscaping IncAnthonyCretella
Kelly Green CTMatthewKelly
Kelman Landscape LLC
KMK Property MaintenanceMcKenzieWallen
Kogut's Hemlock Hill Tree Farm, INC.WilliamKogut
Korniewicz MaintenanceJackKorniewicz
l&C Park Consultants, LLCRichardCalarco
Lawn and Stump Service of MadisonPhilJanssen
Lenares Landscape + Design LLCMikeLenares
Leo's Landscaping LLCLeoDeNigris
Les ArbesLesArbes
Let me cut it LandscapingMichaelBozzuto
Lock, Stock, and BarrelPeterLaTronica
M&G Landscaping LOLCDavePranav
M&H Equipment Service LLCPatrickHowell
Middlesex Ice ControlDavidLenz
Mountain View LandscapingEmilyBragg
Mountainview Landscaping LLCDavidTaddei
Natural Choice & Tree CareDerekMeredith
New Canaan Country SchoolMarcKeneally
New England Horticultural Service LLCDaveMontague
New England Turf ManagementJamesLeszuk
Noble Lawn & Shrub CareRichardNoble
Northern NurseriesSharonBoucher
O Carejosesantos
OESCO, IncRussellFrench
Oman's Garden CenterTimothyOman
Park City PowerKevinDee
Pepper's Landscaping & Lawn Service, Inc.RichardCerniglia
Perfect Plantings LLCJasonMinoff
Personal Touch LandscapingTroyHazen
Pinpoint DigitalJohnGiaccotto
PJC OrganicPamNewcombe
Plant Health ServicesChadOsterberg
Planters Choice Nursery, LLCDarrylNewman
Poco and Son Lawn CareLouPocograno
Precision Work IncSeanPatterson
Pride's CornerJackSellew
PRL Services LLCScottMahler
Quality Lawn Inc.JamesChristenson
R&R ProductsJohnFox
Rayzor's Edge Tree ServiceMatthewHurley
Read Custom SoilsGregMoore
Robert Hansen Landscaping, LLCRobertHansen
Roc Brothers LLCMaxRocamora
Root Development LLCKevinSalters
Rose InsuranceDrewRose
Sam Bridge Nursery & Greenhouses, LLC.BillPalmer
Stabnick EnterprisesDavidStab my
Target Specialty ProductsJustinDonovan
Tarini Lawn Service LLCBrianTarini
Teed & BrownChrisBrown
The Chas. C. Hart Seed Co.KeithAngilly
Theiss Property Maintenance LLCKevinTheiss
Thomaston Board of EducationSpencerLuthy
Tick Box Technology CorporationDavidWhitman
Town of Hamden Parks DeptKenPaecht
Town of Wethersfield
Trailside NurseryMaggieBridge
Treelands Inc
Tri-State Equipment Rebuilding IncDavid
Trumbull Parks and RecreationDimitriParis
University of ConnecticutSydneyEverhart
V. Mendillo Landscaping LLCVincentMendillo
Valley GreenScottLund
W.I Clark CompanyGaryKroeber
We Find PlantsCameronHerrick
West Haven Street SweepingJoeCapobianco
Wildermann LandscapingAsaWildermann
Bartlett Tree ExpertsCassandraBryant
Helena Agri-EnterprizesTimGerzabek
TOPLINE RENTALNicholasAngeletti
Turf Products CorpBrianPope

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2023 marks the 53rd Anniversary of CGKA’s service to the Connecticut Green Industry and the mission of professional development, networking, and raising our standards. We take pride in being a cornerstone of the landscape industry in the state and invite those interested in joining our network to submit a form on our website or contact us directly. Let us help take your business to the next level!